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User Management


This action can only be accessed by users with a System Administrator role.

Users can be added to the Management Console and the POS via their respective menu items on the sidebar.

This is done by clicking the Add User button at the top of the screen and completing the form.

The following information is required for Management Console Users Access Setup:

For each user:

Username - The username used to log in. User Email Address - The email address of the user. User Role(s) - The user's permissions. For details, please refer to Roles & Permissions

Once the user inputs have been completed and the Save button is pressed, this new user will receive and email with a username and temporary password prompting them to log in.


The email address for an existing user account cannot be updated once set. If a new account is required, the existing account should be marked inactive before creating a new account.

Resending an Activation Code

If a user hasn't received their activation email, or the activation email no longer functions, you can resend this email using the Resend Activation button in the Actions column.

Note, that activation emails are tempoary, and last 7 days after issue.