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Import SIMs

Import SIM Profiles can be used to import data for either Physical SIM Card profiles or Digital eSIM profiles. This feature enables an authorised user with a stock assistant role to import SIM profile data into the UNITE platform in a Pending (i.e. approval required) status. A user with the stock manager role can then approve the imported SIM profiles to make them available for sale to consumers OR reject and roll-back the imported SIM profiles.

The SIM Import page also shows a list of historic SIM imports.

Clicking the Show Instructions button expands the screen. It will show you the instructions for importing the SIM profiles.

Import SIM Profile data files must be in CSV (comma delimited) file format with UTF8 character encoding with the data structure defined below for each batch of physical SIM card or Digital eSIM profiles to be imported into the UNIITE platform. The user must select the CSV file to import on choosing the option.

Data Fields

The data fields listed below outline the values that the data file needs to contain.

No. Field Name Mandatory/Optional Description
1 operating_company Mandatory See list of Operating Companies in UNITE Management Console for value to use.
2 purchase_order_id Optional purchase order reference
3 sales_order_id Optional sales order reference
4 esim_process Mandatory Value is PHYSICAL for physical SIM card profiles & BATCH for digitial eSIM profiles.
5 type Mandatory Value is UNPAIRED if a blank SIM profile or PAIRED if the SIM profile has a preloaded bundle or plan
6 iccid Mandatory Also called SSN & cannot already have been imported
7 matching_id Optional For physical SIM card leave blank. It is MANDATORY for digital eSIM & is the main part of the Activation Code, sometimes called the AC_token. It is an alphanumeric code like 2WTHW-QEEXZ-HFXOM-WDNC5 & does not need to be unique
8 smdp_plus_uri Mandatory For physical SIM cards value is NotApplicable. It is MANDATORY for digital eSIM & is the SM-DP+ web address
9 smdp_plus_oid Optional For physical SIM card leave blank. It is MANDATORY for digital eSIM & is the SM-DP+ OID
10 confirmation_code Optional For physical SIM card leave blank. For digital eSIM, it must be populated if the mobile network operator requires the end customer to enter a confirmation_code after they have activated the eSIM profile
11 mobile_no Optional Also called Mobile Number & must be populated unless the mobile network operator does not require the MSISDN
12 operator_plan Optional
13 organisation Optional Not Required, can be left blank
14 retailer Mandatory The name of a valid sales channel already set up on the UNITE Platform which will be selling this SIM profile.
15 sell_by_date Optional Last date SIM can be sold or expiry date, the format is ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD
16 unlock_pin_code Optional Not required, leave blank
17 activation_date Optional Not required, leave blank
18 bundle_expiry_date Optional Not required, leave blank
19 pin_1 Optional Not required, leave blank
20 pin_2 Optional Not required, leave blank
21 puk_1 Optional Not required, leave blank
22 puk_2 Optional Not required, leave blank

Data Validation

The error conditions/messages are listed in the table below.

Data Field Validation Rule Error Message
All Csv File can have maximum 10,000 lines SIM Import file cannot exceed 10,000 records
All File must be a CSV with UTF8 encoding The file format is not correct
All The file cannot be read Could not parse the file.
All The data file must contain at least 1 record SIM Import file doesn't have any entries
esim_process Sims can be only one of types [value] is not a valid esim_process value. Valid values are PHYSICAL or BATCH
type Sims can be only one of types [value] is not a valid type value. Valid values are UNPAIRED or PAIRED
iccid There must be at least one Iccid, that doesn’t finish with 0000 ICCIDs are invalid
iccid the Iccid cannot be already present in the database The following ICCIDs have already been imported: [value]
iccid Iccid should not be empty Iccid can’t be empty
iccid Iccid should contain only digits Iccid contains forbidden characters
type Paired Psims have to have Product name Operator Plan is mandatory for PAIRED sim [MsIsdn]
operator_plan If product is present for the sim, it has to be present in database No Operator Plan found with name [Plan-Name]
operator_plan If product is present, it should be consistant with Operating-Company The Network Product in the file is associated with Network [value] but the Network specified in the file is [value]
operating_company Operating company is mandatory, and should be in the database No Operating Company found with name [value]
imsi Imsi should contain only digits Imsi contains forbidden characters
pin_1 Pin code should have between 4 and 12 digits PIN1 must be between 4 and 12 digits long
pin_2 Pin code should have between 5 and 12 digits PIN2 must be between 5 and 12 digits long
puk_1 PUK code should have between 8 and 12 digits PUK1 must be between 8 and 12 digits long
puk_2 PUK code should have between 8 and 12 digits PUK2 must be between 8 and 12 digits long
mobile_no Msisdn number must have max 15 characters Following Msisdn [value] is invalid as MSISDN length must not exceed 15 digits
mobile_no Msisdn doesn’t start with a country code of its OperatingCompany Following Msisdn [value] doesn't start with Country Code [value]
mobile_no Msisdn mustn’t contains ‘0’ between a country code and number Following Msisdn [value] is invalid as it contains a 0 after the Country Code
retailer If retailer exists in the file, it should exists in the database No Retailer found with name [value]
retailer Retailer is mandatory for esim_process is PHYSICAL or PSIM No Retailer found with name [value]
smdp_plus_uri SM-DP+Url is mandatory for esim_process = BATCH SM-DP+Url can't be empty
smdp_plus_uri SM-DP+Url cannot be null in the database SM-DP+Url can't be empty
matching_id matching_id is mandatory for for esim_process = BATCH Matching ID can't be empty
confirmation_code if confirmation code is present, it must be a number Confirmation Code must be number [ICCID-Number]
confirmation_code if confirmation code is present, it must be at least 4 characters long Confirmation Code must contain at least 4 digits [ICCID-Number]