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Setting up Multi-Currency


Exchange rate can only be managed by users with System Administrator and Finance Manager roles.

About Multi-Currency

UNITE will have a set of supported currencies. Prices for all currencies will be set and calculated using the FX rate when adding product offerings within a product catalogue.

Edit Currency Rate

To edit currency rate, navigate to the Exchange Rates page, select one of the currencies from the currency drop-down list as a base currency and click the Apply Filters button. The table will display all currencies that UNITE are supported.

To get the updated exchange rate, click the Refresh All button. A Saved prompt will display. The exchange rates of all currencies are updated.

To get the updated exchange rate based on a base currency, select that currency by using the filter and clicking the Refresh Filtered button. A Saved prompt will display.

To Lock an exchange rate, scroll to the end of the table and select the Lock button. A Saved prompt will display. A lock icon will be displayed beside the exchange rate, and the Lock button will become an Unlock button.

If a user changes the exchange rate manually, the exchange rate will automatically become locked.

When an exchange rate is locked, it will not change even if the exchange rate from FX has been updated manually.


The exchange rate will be only updated manually by an authenticated user.