Setting Up Plans
Before you start
To set up plans, you must first set up an Operating Company. See Setting up network providers for more information, if your product catalogue has not already been configured by Sim Local.
How plans work
Plans on Management Console are created by generating an internal catalogue, which can then be made sellable by creating child plans that are assigned to your sales channels
Operator Plans represent your internal product catalogue, which can be configured before making it available to sell.
Sales Channel Plans represent sellable plans selected from your Operator Plans catalogue, which are assigned to a Sales Channel. These are version-controlled, so that changes in a plan over time are still recorded in historical transactions.
To make plans available in your retail listings, you must first create an Operator Plan then create a Sales Channel Plan from your Operator Plan.
Operator Plans
Setting up an Operator Plan
Operator Plans can only be managed by users with Networks, Products, and System Administrator roles.
To set up an Operator Plan, navigate to the Operator Plans page and select Add Operator Plan. A form will appear. Mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*)
When all details have been entered, click Save. A Saved prompt will display. You can then close the panel.
Once created, the Operating Plan will appear in the table and is initially set as Inactive. To set it as Active, scroll to the end of the table, and select the Change Status button.
An SKU will automatically be generated by the system from the country calling code & a unique plan number.
A note on call minutes
The Operator Plan screen allows you to set up an Operator Plan which has allowances of minutes that can be used for national or international calls, or both. For example:
- To set up a plan with 300 minutes for National & International combined, set Minutes to 300, set International Minutes to 0, and check the checkboxes for National and International.
- To set up a plan with an allowance of 300 minutes for national calls and a separate allowance of 100 minutes for international calls, set Minutes to 300, set International Minutes to 100, and only check the checkbox for National.
To set up a plan with an allowance of 300 minutes for national calls and no allowance of international calls, set Minutes to 300, set International minutes to 0, and only check the checkbox for National.
The same logic also applies to the Sales Channel Plan screen.
Batch Plans
If you have an eSIM plan that is a Batch process, you must import profiles associated with this batch via the SIM Import page. See Import SIM Profiles for more information.
Editing an Operating Plan
To edit an Operating Plan, scroll to the end of the table and select the View/Edit button (pencil icon). When changes have been made, select the Save button to save changes. A Saved prompt will appear and the panel can be closed.
Deactivating an Operating Plan
If an Operator Plan is no longer in use, it can be deactivated.
To deactivate an Operating Plan, find it in the table and scroll to the Actions column at the end of the table view. Only Operating Plans that have no active Sale Channels Plan can be deactivated.
Operator Plan Fields
Mandatory fields are marked with (*)
Field | Description |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number. Used to identify product ID. |
eSIM Process (*) | Defines if the SIM profile is a Physical SIM or an eSIM, whose profiles are either batch-imported or supplied on-demand. For more information, see Import SIM Profiles |
Operator Plan Name (*) | The internal name of the plan. A different name can be displayed on sales channels. |
Operator Plan Description (*) | The internal description of the plan. A different name can be displayed on sales channels. |
Operating Company (*) | The operating company associated with this plan. |
Plan Currency (*) | The default currency assigned to this plan. |
Plan Value (*) | The selling price of this plan. |
Coverage | The coverage provided by this plan. Note, that regional coverage is provided alongside country coverage. To ensure regional plans are discovered in results, you should select both the region and associated countries. |
Data (GB) | The data provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Minutes | The number of local minutes provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
International Minutes | The number of international minutes provided by the plan outside the advertised coverage. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Texts | The number of SMS texts provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Validity (Days) (*) | The number of days the plan is valid after network activation. |
Top Up Allowed | If selected, "Top Up" will be enabled for this plan in eShop. |
Provider Top Up ID | The ID of the top-up that will be applied to the plan, if Top Up is enabled. |
Provider Plan ID | The ID of the plan that will be applied to the plan. Needs clarity |
Profile Type | eSIM profile template type. |
Text for Notifications SMS | When an SMS notification is sent to a customer who purchases this plan, the content of this field will be displayed to the customer. Should conform to GSMA standards. which standards? |
Plan Expiry Date | If the plan is intended to be available only for a limited time, such as a sale, you can enter an expiry date here. |
Export Operator Plan
To export operator plans, click the Export button. A file containing a list of all plans will automatically download.
Use the filter to display specific data, then click the Export button. A file containing a list of filtered plans will automatically download.
Import Operator Plan
Import Operator Plan can only be managed by users with _System Administrators, Network Assistant and Product Assistant _roles.
To import operator plans, click the Import button, select your operator plans file in CSV format, and click the Verify button.
A list of operator plans from your file will be displayed. If all information is correct, click the Accept button. A Saved prompt will display.
A warning with details will be displayed if there is any conflict from your file.
The operator plans file contains the below information. Mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*).
Field | Description |
bid (*) | The Bid of the operator plan. |
name (*) | The internal name of the plan. A different name can be displayed on sales channels. |
gtin | Global Trade Item Number. Used to identify product ID. |
mvno (*) | The Bid of the operating company. |
description (*) | The internal description of the plan. A different name can be displayed on sales channels. |
bundleValidity (*) | The number of days the plan is valid after network activation. |
callMinutes | The number of call minutes provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. If -1, this means unlimited. |
callMinutesInternational | The number of international call minutes provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. If -1, this means unlimited. |
canRenewBundle | If TRUE, the customer can renew the plan. If FALSE, the plan is not renewable. |
countries (*) | The coverage provided by this plan. Short form of countries e.g. DE, CA, US. If the plan covers more than one country, enter DE;GB;CA;US |
currency (*) | The default currency assigned to this plan. Short form of currencies, e.g. gbp, eur, pgk |
data (*) | The data provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. If -1, this means unlimited. |
expiryDate | If the plan is intended to be available only for a limited time, such as a sale, you can enter an expiry date (yyyy-mm-dd) here. |
Validity (Days) (*) | The number of days the plan is valid after network activation. |
isCallsInternational | If TRUE, the number of callMinutes call minutes can be used for international calls. If FALSE, the number of callMinutes call minutes is for local calls only. |
isCallsLocal | If TRUE, the number of callMinutes call minutes can be used for local calls. If FALSE, the system will also assume the callMinutes can be used for local calls. |
isDataInternational | FALSE. The data coverage is based on the plan description. |
isDataLocal | FALSE. The data coverage is based on the plan description. |
isTextsInternational | FALSE. The text coverage is based on the plan description. |
isTextsLocal | FALSE. The text coverage is based on the plan description. |
numTexts (*) | The number of SMS texts provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. If -1, this means unlimited. |
operatorBundleId | The ID of the plan that will be applied to the plan. |
productType | |
profileType | eSIM profile template type. |
providerTopUpId | The ID of the top-up that will be applied to the plan, if Top Up is enabled. |
simType | Batch eSIM is “ESIM”; On-demand eSIM is “ON-DEMAND_ESIM” and physical sim is “PHYSICAL”. If this field is empty, the system will assume this is a batch eSIM. |
simulatorHandler | Sim Local internal code. |
smsText | When an SMS notification is sent to a customer who purchases this plan, the content of this field will be displayed to the customer. Should conform to GSMA standards. |
status (*) | New operator plan status must be “INACTIVE” |
topUpValue (*) | The selling price of this plan. |
Sales Channel Plans
Setting up a Sales Channel Plan
Sales Channel Plans can only be managed by users with Product Assistant roles.
Sales Channel Plans are Operator Plans which can be sold to customers through an assigned sales channel. Sales Channel Plans are uniquely identified by the combination of an SKU and version number.
An Operator Plan can be used to produce multiple Sales Channel Plans which can have uniquely assigned pricing and plan metadata per sales channel.
To create a new Sales Channel Plan, go to an existing Operator Plan and select the Create Sales Channel Plan button at the end of the table view. The following fields will display:
Coverage Name (*): The destination country in which this plan will be sold. If this plan is a local plan, you should select the same country as the plans local coverage.
Sales Channel: The sales channel where this plan will be sold.
The same Operator Plan can be sold via multiple sales channels. This process can be repeated for each sales channel.
On clicking Save, the details of the Sales Channel Plan will be displayed, with features of the Operator Plan pre-filled.
It is recommended to enter a Sales Channel Plan Name and Sales Channel Plan Description - These will be displayed to the customer as the name and description of the plan.
Unless changes are required, you can save this plan without changing any additional details, as all plan features are inherited from the Operator Plan.
When all details have been entered, click Save. A Saved prompt will display. You can then close the panel and navigate to Sales Channel Plans to view your new plan.
Once created, the Sales Channel Plan will appear in the table and is initially set as Inactive. To set it as Active, scroll to the end of the table, and select the Change Status button.
Editing a Sales Channel Plan
To edit an Sales Channel Plan, scroll to the end of the table and select the View/Edit button (pencil icon). When changes have been made, select the Save as New Version button to save changes. A Saved prompt will appear and the panel can be closed.
Every time a Sales Channel Plan is edited, this will create a new active version of the plan, and the previous version will be made inactive.
Rolling back or forward to another version
To roll back to a previous version of the plan, identify the plan you wish to change by searching the SKU of any version of the plan. Identify a previous version of this plan and select Change Status. The selected version will become active in place of the version that was active. You can also do this to roll forward to a newer version. This may be useful in the case of price discounts, but be mindful to check the version details before committing a change.
Deactivating a Sales Channel Plan
If an Sales Channel Plan is no longer in use, it can be deactivated.
To deactivate a Sales Channel Plan, identify the plan by searching the SKU, and find the Active version of this plan. in the table and scroll to the Actions column at the end of the table view and select Change Status to make it inactive.
Sales Channel Plan Fields
Mandatory fields are marked with (*)
Some of these values are inherited from the associated Operator Plan on creation.
Field | Description |
Language Region | Displays the active translation of the Sales Channel Plan Name and Description. The available languages depends on which languagees are supported for the Sales Channel. An English title and description must be provided as a default. |
Sales Channel Plan Name (*) | The plan name displayed to customers. |
Sales Channel Plan Description (*) | The plan description that appears to customers. This is a free text field with formatting options available. |
Operating Company Logo | the identifier for the logo used in plan displays. Your Account Manager can provide this information. |
Use External Product Image | If enabled, this allows an externally linked product image to be specified. This only appears in Partner API calls for this plan. |
SKU | The internal product identifier (non-editable). |
Version | The version of this plan (non-editable). |
Operator Plan Name | The name of the parent Operator Plan (non-editable). |
Sales Channel | The associated Sales Channel of this plan (non-editable). |
Operating Company | The associated Operating Company of this plan (non-editable). |
Coverage | The coverage provided by this plan. Note, that regional coverage is provided alongside country coverage. To ensure regional plans are discovered in results, you should select both the region and associated countries. |
Plan Currency | The currency value of the plan value (buying price) of this plan. |
Plan Value (*) | The initial top-up value of this plan (buying price). |
Data (GB) | The data provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Minutes | The number of local minutes provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
International Minutes | The number of international minutes provided by the plan outside the advertised coverage. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Texts | The number of SMS texts provided by the plan. If 0, this value will be hidden. Can be made unlimited. |
Validity (Days) (*) | The number of days the plan is valid after network activation. |
Featured Plan | If selected, this plan will be displayed first in relevant results in Shop and Retail POS with a selected style. Style 1: Background color: #FCE4EC, Text color: #E91E63 Style 2: Background color: #F2F7FD, Text color: #3A7CCD Style 3: Background color: #E0F2F1, Text color: #009688 |
Existing Customer | If selected, this plan will only display if the user is an existing customer. |
Notes | A space for any internal reference notes. |
Selling Currency (*) | The selling currency of the plan to the end customer. |
Recommended Retail Price (RRP) | A reference value for the plan RRP - used in some client API calls. |
Selling Price inclusive of VAT (*) | A space for any internal reference notes. |
VAT % (*) | This value will be used to convert the VAT inclusive price into a VAT exclusive price and a VAT amount for display on the order breakdown in receipts. |
Effective Sales Channel Plans
To view the effective sales channel plans, navigate to the Effective Sales Channel Plans page. This page will display all the active product offerings from the selected sales channel and country.
Select the Sales Channel and Country from the dropdown list, then click the Apply Filters button. The table will display all active product offerings based on the above conditions.
To view an Operating Plan associate with a product offering, scroll to the end of the table and click the Go to Operator Plan (sim icon). It will bring you to the operator plan page and display the details.