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UNITE User Documentation

Retail POS Documentation

Management Console Documentation

Online Shop & Mobile App

Partner API Documentation



UNITE Platform Release notes

Latest Version


eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Find My Plan layout improvements
  • Onboarding
    • Blocked 'back' button feature for Android mobile app
    • Added skip button for larger screens.
  • Amended mobile number on plan details to remove '0' prefix

Management Console:

  • Fixed discount expiry date being set to a past date
  • Bulk TopUp
    • Fixed timeouts for large bulk Top Ups
    • Fixed creating bulk top-ups for product offerings


  • UI Setting for 'Add On' feature
  • Added additional error logging to Sentry

Partner API:

  • Fixed eSIM Activation Code not being returned

Data Analytics:

  • Added Meta sign-up event for iOS.
  • Added events for tracking Find My Plan


Previous Versions


eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Onboarding feature for Mobile Apps
  • Find My Plan Flow Improvements
  • Free Trial Offer initial work
  • Updated string "Canary Island" to "Canary Islands".
  • Updated "FAQs" to "Help Center" on menu.
  • Updated VAT & Company Name in Sim Local Emails.
  • Enabled Lottie Animations
  • Fixed Smartroam Top Up Issue
  • Fixed guest checkout + sign-up redirects to my esim page
  • Fixed Direct Download button available for unsupported plans on desktop browser -Fixed Apple Social login Issue

Management Console:

  • New Effective Plan page
  • Migrate microsites from SCP to catalogues
  • Import product catalogues


  • Fixed Smartroam Top Up Issue
  • Real-time Network Events Feature
  • Change countries API to use enums
  • Performance Enhancements
    • Refreshed Redis cache TTL after read.
    • DB index added for faster obtaining localisation data.
    • Fixed invalid cache misses


  • Outage Alerts

Data Analytics:

  • Sent 'page view' and 'add to cart' Facebook events using new endpoint.
  • Added Meta sign-up event (iOS).

eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Fix for plan details page not loading after purchasing a plan

eShop/Mobile App:

  • Find My Plan Feature
  • Apple Universal Link Support
  • Orange Olympics Promo - Plan Card changes to include Featured Plan custom text.
  • UI Enhancements:
    • Added new field PUK1 to order item.
    • Updated "FAQs" to "Help Centre" on menu.
    • Added PUK number to the details screen in Shop.
  • Added Ireland country plan page intro text.
  • Added validation messages if some required Stripe payment inputs are empty in eShop
  • Fixed plans with unlimited data showed "1 GB"

Retail POS:

  • Remove max 2000 ICCID's description for bulk top-up


  • Fix "Out of order Status" after enabling in kiosk in Management Console

Management Console:

  • Bulk Export of Product Catalogues Feature
  • Allow Price for Currency to override Feature
  • Multi Currency/Discounts - fix error message for Fixed Discounts
  • Discounts/Vouchers
    • add "Delete" Feature
    • add feature to edit "Expiry date"
  • Filter Form - expanded filter feature
  • Fix product offering not found error message, when when switching Sales Channel Plans
  • Performance Improvements - Fixed Transactions filter 'Order number' to search by part of order number.


  • Epay change to Voucher PIN’s from 6 digit to 14 digit
  • Align eCommerce react-router to v5.1 recommendations
  • Update Countries to use Enums rather than a separate API

Data Analytics:

  • Sent 'page view' and 'add to cart' Facebook events using new endpoint
  • Created new endpoint to send Facebook events using CAPI.


  • Updated to remove voucher code padding to 16 digits before sending to 3UK

eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Order Summary enhancements
  • Payment method selection improvements
  • Improved payment inputs validation
  • Integration of Klaviyo marketing sign up page for use in retail stores
  • Added Epay custom labelling for discount code input
  • Improve activation of Add-on work flow

Partner API:

  • Updates to support multi-currency

Management Console:

  • Import of Operator Plans feature
  • Add page to view and manage FX rates
  • Allow edit SCP screen to handle multi currency (BE will return full list of prices to SLCM)
  • Allow editing of “Featured Text” fields in product catalogues
  • Update error messaging if a duplicate discount code is created
  • Allow bulk top up for more than 2000 SIM’s


  • GDPR Process - automatic deletion of disabled and inactive accounts
  • Added endpoint for obtaining a plan according to conditions
  • Switch to binary serialiser for caching
  • Security issue - Prevent scripts run via extractTextContent function

Data Analytics:

  • Add event for Show active plan on app homepage
  • Added Data Analytics event for Meta sign-up

eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Orange Olympics Promo:
    • Added styled Promo banner
    • Added promotion event for Analytics
    • Plan Changes to display Promotion details
    • Added promotion event in Webflow for Analytics
    • Homepage Promo Banner defined in webflow
  • Home Page Changes
    • Active plans displaying on Landing page
    • Renamed "Active Plans" to "Your Current Plans" at homepage
    • Active plans order improved at homepage
    • Promoted direct download feature for web users
  • Payments Page improvements:
    • Error messages placement improved
    • Email input enhanced
    • Added component with Order Benefits
    • Discount input enhanced
    • Added padding between Place Order and error messages
  • Localization:
    • Automate extracting translations from components
    • Automate pulling translations from Lokalise
    • Check for common translation mistakes (e.g. unused translations, non-
    • Static translations, duplicate translation keys)
  • Fix add-on currency not matching purchased plan currency
  • Removed Trustpilot score from "Trusted by Travellers" panel
  • Updated neutral colour variables
  • Fixed Language switcher to work for all browser windows
  • Spinner centered and put inside button at the plan card

Retail POS:

  • Display currency in the bulk top up details modal

Management Console:

  • Orange Olympics Promo:
    • Added retailer_id for promo_banner
    • Renamed promo_banner variable to promo_banner_html
    • Added fields for Promotional Banner and Featured Plan Text display duration
    • Added a Field to Set Featured text Duration
    • Added a Field to Set Promotional Banner Display
  • Export of Operator Companies
  • Amend Local Network field to Operating Company
  • Fix the Operator plan - View/Edit button
  • Fix to edit a sales channel plan after adding to a product catalogue


  • Improved discounts performance
  • Updated getOfferings improvements for other endpoints
  • Fixed typescript version mismatch
  • Updated mobile app to target Android 14
  • Update to capacitor 5
  • Fixed security issue - prevent injecting an executable script

Data Analytics:

  • Added Facebook SDK
  • Added fbp, fbc parameters added for PageView and AddToCart events
  • Tracking Production Mobile App Events improved and App_type updated
  • B2B Affiliation verifications
  • Fixed GTM error in Webflow fixed

eShop/Mobile Apps:

  • Currency picker implemented
  • Implemented passing of the selected language to Cookiebot on
  • Added missing translations to Help Desk Landing Page:
  • Displaying active plan on app homepage
  • Added possibility to filter on status when obtaining orders on backend side
  • Added possibility to obtain data balance availability when obtaining orders
  • Homepage main title text changed to "Travel the world like a local"
  • Page Title tags fixed Payments Page:
  • Plan Card made more informative
  • Loader / Page transitions
  • Extra details on Order Summary page
  • Webflow Online Form on the Sim Local Website redirected to ZenDesk
  • Issue with vertical gap missing between buttons in the 'Check Your email' view

Retail POS/Management Console:

Bulk TopUp - Improved buttons interactions to prevent double submission - Updated description to provide information to user

Management Console:

Multi-Currency: - Product Offerings Catalogue added - Updated Product Offering SKU to make it unique


  • Improved method populating for getting orders for current user
  • Improved method populating for getting offerings
  • Optimised DB query for getting orders for current user
  • Created separate API endpoint for getting profile statuses
  • Added caching for some endpoints
  • Infrastructure changes for B2C GDPR Issue & Deleting disabled/inactive accounts

Data Analytics:

  • Fixed issue with running app ads on Facebook/Instagram
  • TikTok integration allowing ad campaigns
  • Verifications & POC of AppsFlyer & UTM parameters to build B2B MVP

eShop/Mobile App

  • Remove the current implementation of stock check (hiding out of stock plans) and reverting to an out of stock message displaying on the order summary page.

eShop/Mobile App

  • Login / Signup restructuring
  • Search submitting on click
  • Countries dropdown submitting on select
  • Guest Check Out flow wording changes
  • Language switcher - common appearance between Webflow and React pages
  • Enabled background colour capability
  • FIx chatbot rendering
  • Fix chatbot window resizing and button overlap
  • Fix forgotten password email language settings
  • Fix Paypal payment page redirection if connection lost
  • Implement Localisation - SEO requirements

Retail POS

  • List all ICCIDs that fail to import via a bulk top up.


  • Services - High Vulnerability Remediations
  • Update BaseJDK patched image
  • Database Credentials move to Secrets Manager
  • Update list offerings logic to read Product Offerings from catalogues but maintain current logic
  • Performance Improvements - Introduce caching for UI settings

Data Analytics

  • Search event in the plan-selection page added
  • Additional details added to the Meta Pixel and CAPI events

eShop/Mobile App

  • Single Cookie Consent across domains
  • Localisation
    • Multi language support
    • Zendesk chatbot Locale support
    • Zendesk chatbot chat content language support
  • Merge of Plan Details and Order Summary
  • Update to allow Paypal payments for user email addresses containing ‘+’
  • Update payment user flow to continue to order confirmation page if data connection lost and re-established
  • Fix Issue with "Activating" status not shown for all plans
  • Fix Issue with activation steps appearing in the Order confirmation email for add-ons/renew plan
  • Fix issue with Google sign-in fail
  • Fix Issue with invalid currency code 5 during payment
  • Fix issue with purchased plans not appearing on the "My eSIM" page
  • Fix issue with confirmation code in Plan Details/Order confirmation page
  • Fix issue with payment successful message shown when Apple Pay payment was canceled
  • Update Text alignment on sign-up code verification screen
  • Update header background colour in featured plan view
  • Update zooming and horizontal scrolling after guest checkout
  • Update mobile application freeze when complete purchase after internet connection lost and recovered
  • Improved forgot password error message for incorrect verification code
  • Update alignment of loading spinner
  • Add Simlocal website to the info of the App Store Connect
  • Enable Stock Check feature


  • Add option to configure promo video per Kiosk

Retail POS

  • Update apply Bulk Top Up, to allow adding individual ICCID's
  • Return error List of ICCIDs which failed to import
  • Display remaining balance on report page
  • Allow the eSIM Shop destination to have a default country

Data Analytics

  • Updated logic for disabled button to prevent 'not set' event values in the Search event data
  • Additional parameters added for Meta Conversions
  • Add GTM configuration for B2B

Management Console

  • New Customer user accounts page with option to delete/restore user accounts


  • Klaviyo - Delete data for all account deletion requests
  • Update automated build pipelines
  • Lagardere SAN update

Partner API

  • Update Customer Group Transfer API for Manx/Smartroam

eShop/Mobile App

  • Improvements and updates to the Guest checkout flow
  • Update Terms & Conditions page
  • Add language switch to mobile apps
  • Google Play and App Store Connect Issues
  • Plan Details Redesign - Plan Card and My eSIM pages
  • Step by Step Guides - Email Enhancements
  • Update Login/Signup Modal page location
  • Update Zendesk Widget page location
  • Update QR codes to be intractable as an image
  • Implement white label shop for Lagardere
  • Update wording of Digicel emails
  • Update wording of Digicel plan details pages

Management Console

  • Add filters to the User Management screen
  • Update sorting by columns


  • Integration with the Klaviyo Platform
  • Multi Currency - Phase 1
  • Localisation MVP
  • Implement web hooks with the stripe platform to obtain payment information

Data Analytics

  • Additional Events in Webflow
  • Add Tracking Events
  • Send new GA events for B2C
  • Setup of B2C Analytics Provider
  • AppsFlyer: add SKAN postbacks
  • Improve logic for updating Stripe Payment intents to handle succeeded payments
  • Display the order confirmation page when an error is returned but payment is successful
  • Update the Manx/Smartroam adapter to include the new "Customer Group Moniker" parameter.
  • Add system setting to enable/disable stock check feature.
  • Remove deep-link support for CI environment to allow Google app approval

eShop/Mobile App

  • New User Step-by-Step Guides
  • Improve the messages displayed to the user following the return of an order
  • Add Stock check functionality so only plans with stock available are displayed
  • Update Order confirmation and Activation emails with additional guidance on eSIM installation
  • Implement an eSIM compatibility check feature on the the mobile apps
  • Implement deferred deep links for the mobile apps
  • Implement Apple and Google reviews for the mobile apps
  • Fix social login for all Microsites
  • Capture T&C acceptance and promo opt in for Google and Apple sign up
  • Update landing page(Webflow) search results to inherit all styles
  • Update error message order priority for discounts to prioritise authentication required
  • Improve structured data and rich snippets for SEO
  • Busbud Microsite deployment
  • Improve canonical tag property handling
  • Implement Firebase and Appsflyer
  • Implement GA4/GTM
  • Implement TikTok Ads
  • Update Guest Checkout user flow (backend changes only, front end changes to follow in next release)
  • Update payment intent method to allow Paypal and reuse intent instead of creating a new one each time

Management Console

  • Filter UX improvements to include deep links and support history
  • Add TanStack Query to Orders Page
  • Update default status to ACTIVE on Sales Channel Plans page to only list active
  • Update the manually selecting All in dropdown disabled Apply and Reset buttons without request
  • Remove Organisations Page
  • Add filters on user management page
  • Update the filters form on the Customer Orders page

Back Office

  • Implement Domain Alias
  • Update handling of root path (/)

Retail POS

  • Improve file import error handling messages for bulk top up

Partner API

  • Improve error handling for create order API
  • Implement additional security features for Stripe credit card payments
  • Improvements to fix an intermittent race condition that can prevent a customer completing the payment process

eShop/Mobile App

  • Added Hubspot integration.
  • Purchases now have an associated application source.
  • Plan URLs now reference the product SKU and country ID.
  • Social Logins now reference Sim Local rather than ""
  • Improved mobile logging events
  • Meta Ads Manager (Domain Verification and CAPI Config)
  • App Store / Play Store Screens Updated.
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where QR codes for the store would redirect to the app home page if the app was installed.
  • Configured Robots.txt for SEO Performance.
  • Plan activation now happens in the background, instead of a captive modal.
  • Improvements in-app viewports.
  • Improvements in Plan Card Details.
  • Disabled stock check to improve plan loading times.
  • Disabled Google Tag Manager and Cookiebot for mobile apps.
  • Discounts:
    • Discount redemptions can be tracked by customer.
    • Discounts are now represented in Order History and emails.
    • Added option to restrict discount to be used only on a defined origin, such as mobile app.
    • Discounts are restricted to one use per customer only.
    • Discount codes can be created with a defined code name.

Management Console

  • Added Origin filter in customer orders page
  • Import of pSIMs without a “retailer” (organisation level) defined in the data import file is configurable on Retailer level.

Back Office

-Improvements to UI and usability.


  • Stock utilisation logic - sells on retailer level SIM before organisation level.
  • Removed transactions with non-recoverable errors from the Activation Queue to avoid retries.
  • Import of pSIMs without a “retailer” (organisation level) defined in the data import file is configurable on Retailer level.

Retail POS

  • Add Bulk Top Up search filters
  • Switched Sim Local eShop to use Google Tag Manager for Analytics, to ensure compliance with March Google deadline.
  • Updated Sim Local Kiosk video assets to be more generic, to support the Brussels Kiosk launch.
  • Updated Partner API to remove stock check to reduce time out instances.

eShop/Mobile App

  • Made Discount error messaging clearer in cases of conflicting conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with Social auth breaking the flow when signing-in/up from Order summary.
  • Google Consent Mode Implementation across both Sim Local domains.

Retail POS/Management Console

  • Fixed an issue with Bulk Top Up CSV upload


  • Updated location header to contain only the path and not the URL.
  • Updated numeric formatting of XML body response in GetOffering.
  • Updated Confirm transaction to allow multiple orders per transaction.

eShop/Mobile App

  • ZenDesk ChatBot Integrated.
  • Navbar on app now includes highlighted selection and respects iOS safe zone.
  • Improvements to Button component.
  • Sim Local Theme Updated to reflect branding changes.
  • Improved App Help Page with updated questions and contact details.
  • Improved the TwoTabContainer component.
  • Improved Discounts error messaging.
  • Initial improvements for Google Analytics.
  • Mobile App Store links in Sim Local customer emails.
  • iOS App - Auto-Fill implemented (Login with Face ID included).

Retail POS

  • Updated the reports to include sales channel plan name and ICCID and add additional functionality to sort and view the reports.

Bulk Top Up

  • Ability to complete a Bulk Top Up in Retail POS.
  • Bulk Top Up Value to Reflect in Credit/Deposit Amount for Sales Channel.
  • Additional details added to Bulk Top Up "Details" Modal.
  • New Roles for Bulk Top Up in POS (Bulk Order and Bulk Approve)
  • Updated reports to add: sales channel plan name, ICCID, functionality to sort and view the reports.

Management Console

  • Improved the discount code csv export feature to include all pages of codes.
  • Bulk top-up, added dropdown filters to improve page loading performance.


  • Three UK Fixes: Header Change per Three UK API Changes.
  • Performance - introduced additional areas of caching to the platform.
  • Hubspot Integration for customer marketing communications.